Sunday, March 27, 2022

At The Pump

Has anyone been noticing the gas prices lately? I remember two years ago the gas price was in and around the $3.50 mark, give or take. Back then I thought it was high, especially coming from the East Coast, but now, it is out of control. Now, it seems like it is always over $5.00/gallon. It is so unfortunate for us, because we all depend so heavily on gas. I wonder if I should invest in a bicycle... hahaha...just kidding. Nonetheless, it is shocking to see how expensive it has gotten, and to my understanding, it is even more expensive in other States, like California.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Cell Phones

Recently I had some issues with my phone where I could not make or receive any calls. I could do everything else, including making WhatsApp calls, browsing the internet, send and receive text messages, send and receive emails, paying my bills online...etc., except for receiving and making calls. I went to my service provider and I was told that they shut the system for those older 3G model phones. I needed and upgrade anyway, so I decided to just go ahead and take care of that. To my surprise, phone prices were from $1,100.00 to $1,800.00 for a new phone. Can you imagine? I could buy two brand new computers for the price of one phone. I thought it is crazy how expensive these devices are. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

The Thesaurus

The skill I want to write about today is from lesson 4.6.3, The Thesaurus. So when I write an essay or a research paper for class, one of the things I tend to do is proofread and spell-check my work. Well, the thesaurus works in a similar way. I learned about this in lesson 4.6.3 as mention above. The cool thing about thesaurus is that it enhances my paper to the synonym of words that can be used instead of what I originally writes. I wasn't aware of this feature before taking IS101, so this is another lesson I attain from this class.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

My Take

I went over the Introspection post that Professor Wu posted and I did made a comment on it. I want to also add my take to it. Taking IS101 is a blessing, to say the least. I realize how much I have been behind in basic digital literacy. The more I think about it, the more I realize how much I needed to take this class. There are so much...actually, I am barely scratching the surface, on the wealth of knowledge there is to gain in Information Systems. I feel like I am in the elementary level of learning.

I took the MOS and it took me a few attempts to get it. Two things affected me the most: time, and not comprehending some of the task. I must admit, however, practicing did play a vital role as well, but I am learning. Nonetheless, I feel proud of myself because I can see the progress I have made on this journey so far, and I am excited to take on the other challenges that is ahead.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Ukraine vs Russia

Recently Russia invades Ukraine wreaking havoc in most of the major cities across the Country. In 2004, Russia annexed Crimea, formerly a part of Ukraine. Now they have gone a step further by bombarding the mainland and terrorizing its citizens. Many Ukrainian lives has been lost, families and residents displaced, and the people are suffering.

While we watch and grieve for those unfortunate people, we wonder what the outcome will be. Should the United States or NATO render some assistance to Ukraine, or maybe take it a step further and join the war? Grant you, joining the war will subsequently lead to more casualties and saving lives is what everyone should be aiming for. I am sharing this vlog with my fellow classmates because I would like to hear your feedback on what you guys think.