Wednesday, March 16, 2022

The Thesaurus

The skill I want to write about today is from lesson 4.6.3, The Thesaurus. So when I write an essay or a research paper for class, one of the things I tend to do is proofread and spell-check my work. Well, the thesaurus works in a similar way. I learned about this in lesson 4.6.3 as mention above. The cool thing about thesaurus is that it enhances my paper to the synonym of words that can be used instead of what I originally writes. I wasn't aware of this feature before taking IS101, so this is another lesson I attain from this class.


  1. The thesaurus is definitely a useful tool! Glad LabSim introduced you to it in Chapter 4 Microsoft Word. The thesaurus feature is actually available in other Microsoft Office applications as well :-)

    May your papers be more refined with synonyms of words to convey subtle differences of your ideas ^_^

  2. The thesaurus option can really help add more nuance to your work, for sure. I managed to learn a number of new words using it. Very helpful.

  3. I also like the thesaurus feature! I knew of it, but I completely forgot that it was in Word as well.

  4. I liked that feature and wish I knew about it before my English classes.

  5. I am excited to use this tool when writing my academic essays for my English class.

  6. I will use this feature in my upcoming courses like English.

  7. The thesaurus is great when looking for bigger words to make an essay look longer.

  8. The thesaurus is most definitely helpful and useful.

  9. Just gotta make sure you've got the correct connotations when replacing words. I learnt that in high school haha

  10. I definitely take full advantage of the thesaurus. It really helps enhance essays.

  11. The thesaurus is very helpful when you want a different word but can't think of the word.

  12. It is much easier than having to go on google
