Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Cell Phones

Recently I had some issues with my phone where I could not make or receive any calls. I could do everything else, including making WhatsApp calls, browsing the internet, send and receive text messages, send and receive emails, paying my bills online...etc., except for receiving and making calls. I went to my service provider and I was told that they shut the system for those older 3G model phones. I needed and upgrade anyway, so I decided to just go ahead and take care of that. To my surprise, phone prices were from $1,100.00 to $1,800.00 for a new phone. Can you imagine? I could buy two brand new computers for the price of one phone. I thought it is crazy how expensive these devices are. 


  1. Yikes! I'm not surprised about the rise in price on smartphone as with everything else. So you were using a 3G phone before, no wonder :-)

  2. When I got back to the mainland, the very first thing that I did was go and buy a new phone. I knew pricing was going to start skyrocketing, electronic components were getting scarce, and I didn't want to be caught in the lurch.

    I actually got lucky, and got what was literally the last of the affordable European make that they had in stock...the next most "affordable" model was over a thousand bucks extra.

  3. Not surprised I always paid that price for a new phone

  4. I vote we go back to the string and tin can system, these prices are getting ridiculous lol.

  5. Wow! That's really expensive. My mom and I usually only upgrade our phones if AT&T is having any promotions because I got my iPhone 12 for like $600 or $800

  6. Not that surprising especially if it's coming form Apple. They like to squeeze as much money out of you as they can.

  7. I buy my new phones out right and just trade in the older version to get money back.

  8. Oh wow! Everything is so expensive nowadays.

  9. They are still unbelievably expensive, but I think considering how advanced and crazy phones are now compared to how they use to be that they should be worth something. They are like supercomputers in your pocket too, so comparing to a computer isn't too weird.

  10. Wow, I haven't bought a phone in a while I'm surprise to know the prices went up that much not planning to either. unless something irreparable happen to the one I already have.

  11. It is crazy how much more expensive mobile devices have gotten. They now compete with TVs and computers in terms of prices and I believe in time will be the most expensive electronic you will own.

  12. Yeah phone prices have gotten crazy! If you prefer iPhones, there are not that many options below $899. However, if you prefer an android, the Samsung Galaxy A series are really good phones with affordable prices. Google Pixels are also a pretty good option as well, but I personally would go with the A series over the Pixel.
