Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Ukraine vs Russia

Recently Russia invades Ukraine wreaking havoc in most of the major cities across the Country. In 2004, Russia annexed Crimea, formerly a part of Ukraine. Now they have gone a step further by bombarding the mainland and terrorizing its citizens. Many Ukrainian lives has been lost, families and residents displaced, and the people are suffering.

While we watch and grieve for those unfortunate people, we wonder what the outcome will be. Should the United States or NATO render some assistance to Ukraine, or maybe take it a step further and join the war? Grant you, joining the war will subsequently lead to more casualties and saving lives is what everyone should be aiming for. I am sharing this vlog with my fellow classmates because I would like to hear your feedback on what you guys think.


  1. I think some European nations are beginning to offer assistance to Ukraine. Further on, they or other nations may join the war as Russia gains more grounds in Ukraine.

  2. I've actually been paying close attention to this situation. I've seen people from all across the globe personally travel to Ukraine to join the fight. There's already a group of American Vets out there fighting right now. The Government may not be able to send in troops, but that's not stopping us crazy American's from voluntarily joining. To be %100 honest I was extremely tempted to leave everything behind and join the fight. I was staring at the submit button on Ukraine's International Legion or International Defense Force website for what felt like hours. Obviously I'm still here so I didn't go through with it, but if there was a way I could take care of my bills out here and go fight, I would.

    1. Man, I thought about it, too. I mean, really thought about it. But, not speaking Russian, and with my extremely poor eyesight and bad right knee, I'd be dead in the water. I'd be cannon fodder, and not good for much else. Such is the pain of getting old, I'm told.

      I do wish I had more technical know-how; I could definitely help out in that respect, if this had started a little bit later, and gladly would have.

      If this persists for a couple months, I may be in a position to help.

  3. I watched an interesting YouTube video on why they are invading here is the link: https://youtu.be/If61baWF4GE
    It is very sad that this is happening.

  4. I don't think there's any avoiding the fact that we've more or less entered a new paradigm in the last week.

    The whole "Mutually Assured Destruction" doctrine seems great, as long as sane people are in charge of the big guns. It's kept an uneasy peace between most of the world's major powers for seventy years.

    It breaks down when, all of a sudden, you have someone completely unmoored from reality with their finger on the button. Someone who would burn the entire planet, rather than suffer personal humiliation. We've entered uncharted waters here; there's no playbook for this.

    My biggest fear, though, is that the shock value starts to wear off, and people forget. Maximum economic force needs to be applied to Russia unceasingly until this stops, and I'm afraid when, in a week's time, the whole thing isn't "over," people, having the memory of goldfish, are just going to start tuning it out.

    Which endangers everybody.

  5. I don't talk politics like ever. I'm choosing not to leave a comment.

  6. I agree with Jamie, I was in Model United Nations before, but I prefer to keep my thoughts to myself on this matter.

  7. I think Russia has ulterior motive we don't know yet. This might be the start of something worse to come. If the United States or NATO render assistance, they have to be very strategic in how they approach, and careful not to start another world war.

  8. It's not our problem. Just like in WW2 we are trying to stay out of the war. If they do anything to us, then we will get involved, but other than that, we sit and do nothing because it's not our problem.

  9. Its super scary and complex. I worry alot about whats to come. Not just with Russia and Ukraine but I can already see the rippling effects with India, China, North Korea, and Japan. I hope it comes to a clean end soon rather than later.

  10. It's honestly heart breaking to see all of this craziness happening in the world right now.

  11. I do not really have anything to say about this at the time. I do appreciate anything people choose to do to help Ukraine. No country should have to stand alone. My people however, fight battles in this country everyday without seeing help from many others in the same country.

  12. I think America should send troops there was many times where I thought the united states should not get involved with international conflicts but now is not one of those times. Russia will not stop with Ukraine we should not set a standard that this is an okay thing for a world power to do. I am not sure on the other hand if the majority of Americans would want to deal with the consequences of entering such a war.

  13. I try to not get too political with people so the only thing I would comment on this is

    Absolutely we should not get involved. Helping with resources is one thing, but getting involved in a war that is not ours will 100% be more catastrophic than the current situation. Today is the first successful day of peace talks so we will see what happens in the coming days.
