Saturday, March 12, 2022

My Take

I went over the Introspection post that Professor Wu posted and I did made a comment on it. I want to also add my take to it. Taking IS101 is a blessing, to say the least. I realize how much I have been behind in basic digital literacy. The more I think about it, the more I realize how much I needed to take this class. There are so much...actually, I am barely scratching the surface, on the wealth of knowledge there is to gain in Information Systems. I feel like I am in the elementary level of learning.

I took the MOS and it took me a few attempts to get it. Two things affected me the most: time, and not comprehending some of the task. I must admit, however, practicing did play a vital role as well, but I am learning. Nonetheless, I feel proud of myself because I can see the progress I have made on this journey so far, and I am excited to take on the other challenges that is ahead.


  1. Very glad to hear taking IS101-3010, Spring 2022 is a blessing and you have moved beyond the elementary level of learning :-)

    I am proud of your indomitable spirit and follow through to continue until you passed the MO-100 MOS Word certificate exam!

    You will have more proud moments as you conquer other challenges ahead ^_^

  2. I agree in that digital literacy is something all professions should learn in today's modern world.

  3. If it makes you feel better, I actually had this conversation with Albert the other day.

    I had trouble comprehending some of the language used on that exam as well. I scored really highly on the LabSim Unit exam, but still struggled to understand, at a couple different points, exactly what the MOS exam was asking me to do. The language it used was a little bit more obtuse than what LabSim prepared us for, I think.

    Congratulations on passing the exam, though!

  4. Comprehension is definitely an underlooked skill. I personally have mild-to-moderate attention deficit traces which cause me to struggle when it comes to things such as understanding a question at first glance or properly consuming pieces of information to form a coherent response. But practice, forgiveness, and a willingness to keep going are huge motivators that keeps me going.

  5. I agree I was behind a lot but feels good to finally understand and get better with what I know.

  6. Digital literacy is definitely an important skill set to have as the world is become more modern and tech savy.

  7. Congratulations on passing the MOS exam. You are not alone in being behind in basic digital literacy. You will do find as long as you don't give up.

  8. Congrats on passing the exam! I get your struggle, I feel the same way!

  9. Being able to have an understanding about something I have been using since I was a child was so mind opening. I am so excited to continue to increase my digital literacy.

  10. It is a blessing to take this class. I'm so glad that I'm in it!

  11. There is a lot useful information learned in this class that you can use outside of school. For that reason alone, it makes me feel like this class is worth taking. Also, good job on passing your MOS exam!

  12. Congratulations! I'm glad you did not give up. Some things were definitely a bit confusing at times, but with practice it gets much easier.
