Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Mask Mandate

Hello to all my classmates. I hope everyone is feeling well and in good spirits. I want to talk about the new mask mandate the Governor issued approximately two weeks ago. A lot of people has their own opinion on whether mask should be required or not. Their has also been a lot of controversy about people getting the vaccine, but that is another story. The point I want to make is this, while we lift the mask mandate here in Nevada, we allow people from other States to visit that still requires mask wearing. So, are we any safer with or without the mask? Should the State have lifted the mandate from a long time ago, or should it remain in place? Even though people have the option of wearing them today, the fact remains that visitors are going to come to Vegas who still requires to wear it in their Sate. Personally, I am happy that I don't have to wear it anymore, except for traveling through the Airport which the FAA still requires it, but I cannot speak for anyone else. I caught Covid twice: one without vaccination, and the other while I was vaccinated. 

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Desktop vs. Mobile Devices

I chose to write about the different devices that are available to us nowadays. In chapter 2.1.2, we learn about Desktop, Notebooks, and Mobile Devises. All those devices has their advantages and disadvantages: Desktop computers are more powerful of all the others. They can be assembled specifically for the purpose its needed for. They are easier to repair and it's the best devise for a programmer or graphic designer. Unfortunately, they are immobile and requires a constant power supply. Notebooks are nice because they are mobile and easily accessible. They have a lot of the features as a Desktop computer, but not as powerful. Reason being, is that Notebooks uses battery for its power supply, which sometimes run out, if not charged. One of the Disadvantages is that it is harder to upgrade and a lot more expensive than a Desktop. However, if you have to travel for work, or you are a student going to school everyday, then your best bet is to get a Notebook. Mobile devices, on the other hand, are most mobile of all three devices. They have cameras, microphone, and touch screen. They are less expensive, but doesn't have as much productivity as a Desktop or Notebook. They can be hard to repair, easier to lose, and doesn't have as much power as the others.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022


My first time learning how to ride my bike was very scary. Not because the task was difficult, but I was just too scared to fall in front of my friends. Reason being, I knew they were going to laugh at me. So in an effort to avoid the embarrassment, I waited till I had some time by myself and practiced on my own.

My friend, Adrian, had a BMX bicycle that I had my eyes set on to do my training. First, I sat on the bar with both of my legs dangling about three to four inches off the ground. That was my method for preventing me from falling. I knew I would loose balance, so that way I can prevent any potential bruising.

After a number of attempts down the hill, I realized I was coasting without falling. Secondly, I sat on the seat to see if I can repeat the same feat without falling. I was exited because I could see the progress... that I am actually balancing and not falling. Third, I incorporated pedaling into my training, which was a bit awkward at first, but over time, I gradually got better at it.

So once I got a feel of what it was, then I continued practicing until I could compete with my friends. And that was how I learnt how to ride a bike.

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Email Etiquette

One of the skills I learn in IS101 is skill 1.3.10 email etiquette. I learn how to send and reply to emails of multiple recipients. For example, if I need to reply to one person, I simply click on that person's email and reply. If I need to send an email to multiple recipients, then I would type in all their email address and send it. The other thing is how to send an email to a lot of people without highlighting everyone's email address. I would compose the email, click on the carbon copy (Cc) option, which will take you to another page that will give you the Bcc (blind carbon copy) link to keep everyone else's email address private.