Saturday, February 5, 2022

Email Etiquette

One of the skills I learn in IS101 is skill 1.3.10 email etiquette. I learn how to send and reply to emails of multiple recipients. For example, if I need to reply to one person, I simply click on that person's email and reply. If I need to send an email to multiple recipients, then I would type in all their email address and send it. The other thing is how to send an email to a lot of people without highlighting everyone's email address. I would compose the email, click on the carbon copy (Cc) option, which will take you to another page that will give you the Bcc (blind carbon copy) link to keep everyone else's email address private.


  1. Very glad to hear you learned about email etiquette from 1.3.10 (chapter 1, section 3, topic 10) ^_^

    Good pick up on the purpose of Bcc (blind carbon copy)!

  2. Privacy is key, I love using Bcc lol

  3. This was definitely very helpful. When I first started out as a state employee, I really had very limited knowledge of how chain emails and the like actually work...having known some of this earlier on really could've helped me look less foolish on more than one occasion.

  4. BCC is great. I would use it all the time at work when I had to send an email to a manager that I hated and I knew she was snarky towards me, I would always BCC her boss so that if she was being snarky, the boss would know about it as well.

  5. I didn't start using BCC till this class

  6. I agree, email etiquette was a lesson that was very important as well!

  7. Yes, Bcc is great, I didn't know about it until this class. I haven't used it yet but, it's nice to know I have the option if the need arises.

  8. I use to not know about email chains or how important using CC is in an email until my current job. Email chains are a life saver for sure.

  9. Email etiquette is definitely an important skill to learn and practice.

  10. Email etiquette is so important in a work environment. After going through that section I realized that I probably shouldn't be emailing with some words in all caps. I originally thought that by capitalizing the letters in a word, it would emphasize the importance but instead it just seems like I'm yelling.

  11. Emails are way more complex than I initially thought. So much to learn about, but that's half the fun!

  12. Since learning what Bcc meant and how its used, I use it every time I send an email.

  13. I have learned a lot about email etiquette in this class. I really did not understand how unprofessional my emails were in the past. I think a lot of people write an email in the same way they write a tweet or a text message not really understanding how an email like that would come across.

  14. The thing that I forgot that existed was the bcc, I thought that it was just another fancy way of cc someone. I did learned that it is a blind carbon copy of the email that it is sent and that is something may come up as useful in the future.

  15. Bcc is always helpful at work! I can cc managers and bcc supervisors so they can also stay in the loop without their info appearing.
