Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Mask Mandate

Hello to all my classmates. I hope everyone is feeling well and in good spirits. I want to talk about the new mask mandate the Governor issued approximately two weeks ago. A lot of people has their own opinion on whether mask should be required or not. Their has also been a lot of controversy about people getting the vaccine, but that is another story. The point I want to make is this, while we lift the mask mandate here in Nevada, we allow people from other States to visit that still requires mask wearing. So, are we any safer with or without the mask? Should the State have lifted the mandate from a long time ago, or should it remain in place? Even though people have the option of wearing them today, the fact remains that visitors are going to come to Vegas who still requires to wear it in their Sate. Personally, I am happy that I don't have to wear it anymore, except for traveling through the Airport which the FAA still requires it, but I cannot speak for anyone else. I caught Covid twice: one without vaccination, and the other while I was vaccinated. 


  1. Good point about visitors coming from outside locations whose source locale still requires mask wearing due to high COVID infection rates. Perhaps instead of allowing them to not wear mask while in Nevada, they should be required to prove that they are not infected with COVID before visiting. But that would cut down our visitor rates and our economic recovery. Balancing safety, economic recovery, and other factors will definitely generate strong feelings :-)

  2. I don't really know what to say to add to this, but I'm vaccinated and prefer not to wear a mask for beard related purposes.

  3. I do not really care to wear a mask anymore. I never caught COVID, but I still have gotten sick while wearing a mask. I also don't really go outside often.

  4. I'm just happy to not wear a mask. I'm tired of wearing those things.

  5. I still wear mine out of habit at this point.

  6. I waited/tended bar part of the way through this thing, and honestly, to my mind, the second we started allowing indoor dining again...any chance of preventing widespread infections went out the window.

    When you're allowing groups of people to congregate in closed spaces, sit across from each other in close quarters, breathing and what all else you have...it kind of negates the mandate, and other preventative strategies we tried to implement.

    I have also had COVID twice, for what it's worth, once pre-vaccine and once pre-booster. I suspect the restaurant work was responsible, almost guaranteed, when I contracted it the second time.

  7. A friend of mine who is a bartender caught Covid-19 and he wore a mask. I think masks help, but washing your hands and avoiding large group gatherings is more important. I still wear mine for safety.

  8. I have to admit, I don't like wearing a mask. I am glad the mandate has lifted. I am one of those who believe in Herd Immunity. Look how many diseases came and gone throughout the centuries. I've never heard of our ancestors wearing masks, yet still here we are. I think wearing a mask helps but, I don't think it prevent anyone from catching the disease. I believe in destiny, if it's going to happen, it's going to happen, no matter what you do.

  9. I try to wear my mask as often as I can, I just don't feel comfortable not wearing it yet. I'm afraid that the whole covid thing made me feel a bit germophobic.

  10. I am still required to wear a mask at my job since I work in a medical office. However, when there are no patients in office the doctor lets us choose if we want to wear it or not. Outside of work I do not wear a mask at all. Texas is the main place I have traveled to during the entire pandemic and the mask mandate there was lifted almost a year ago. I chose not to wear a mask every time I visited Texas. I am vaccinated and I have also had Covid while vaccinated, so at this point I am okay with my immune system just figuring things out.

  11. I actually love the implementation of masks. I think its been used for a long time in many parts of the world and that it is silly that it takes a epidemic pandemic to motivate the western world to even consider many of the precautions we not have in place. I can't believe how comfortable everyone was not washing their hands properly, or covering their mouths when they're coughing and sneezing, or staying home when they're sick. Its a wonder that we've made it this far when so many people are content with living like that.

  12. I honestly am going to keep wearing a mask for my own health and comfort even if they are not considered necessary anymore. In Japan people often where masks when they are sick. I think its just a good hygiene protection but I don't have a problem with other people not wearing one.

  13. I have been fortunate enough to never catch Covid. My entire family got it, but because I refused to take my mask off when I didn't feel safe I got saved
