Saturday, February 12, 2022

Desktop vs. Mobile Devices

I chose to write about the different devices that are available to us nowadays. In chapter 2.1.2, we learn about Desktop, Notebooks, and Mobile Devises. All those devices has their advantages and disadvantages: Desktop computers are more powerful of all the others. They can be assembled specifically for the purpose its needed for. They are easier to repair and it's the best devise for a programmer or graphic designer. Unfortunately, they are immobile and requires a constant power supply. Notebooks are nice because they are mobile and easily accessible. They have a lot of the features as a Desktop computer, but not as powerful. Reason being, is that Notebooks uses battery for its power supply, which sometimes run out, if not charged. One of the Disadvantages is that it is harder to upgrade and a lot more expensive than a Desktop. However, if you have to travel for work, or you are a student going to school everyday, then your best bet is to get a Notebook. Mobile devices, on the other hand, are most mobile of all three devices. They have cameras, microphone, and touch screen. They are less expensive, but doesn't have as much productivity as a Desktop or Notebook. They can be hard to repair, easier to lose, and doesn't have as much power as the others.


  1. Thank you for the summary of what you learned from Chapter 2 Computer Essentials on the pros and cons of desktops vs. laptops/notebooks vs. smaller mobile devices :-)

  2. I'm a definite Notebook guy...that mobility is great.

  3. Certain software programs are actually creating new ways to access their programming to fit Notebook's and iPad's, so more people have access. Meaning these tablets are beginning to do virtually the same actions as a computer, compute the information, and allow the user to do it with touch.

  4. Desktop all the way, PC for the win lol

  5. I love desktop and how much powerful it is than a laptop. Even though I have a iPad, I mainly use it when I want to sit in bed and watch youtube or use it for notes.

  6. I love both of my computers honestly. My desktop is a dual screen with powerful stuff that my computer tech of an ex created and I took from him. My laptop is just great with it being an Acer and it can move in multiple directions, which is pretty cool.

  7. It is very interesting to know the differences between the systems.

  8. Mobile devices are starting to cost more than some laptops. The newest phones are in the thousands of dollars.

  9. I prefer using a desktop computer, but due to easier accessibility I use a laptop.

  10. I honestly find desktop computers much better. Especially when the desktop has two monitors. I honestly would love to get a desktop again, but desktops do take more space.

  11. I like using a desktop only when I am in need of dual screens or a larger screen size. I use a cordless mouse with my laptop also because the mousepad is what drives me insane when using a laptop.

  12. I prefer desktops, but its crazy to watch the advancement of mobile devices and also notebooks or laptops! They're reaching the potential of the peak of previous desktops.

  13. I use a desktop way more often but I would like to get a laptop because I think it would be more convenient.
