Tuesday, February 8, 2022


My first time learning how to ride my bike was very scary. Not because the task was difficult, but I was just too scared to fall in front of my friends. Reason being, I knew they were going to laugh at me. So in an effort to avoid the embarrassment, I waited till I had some time by myself and practiced on my own.

My friend, Adrian, had a BMX bicycle that I had my eyes set on to do my training. First, I sat on the bar with both of my legs dangling about three to four inches off the ground. That was my method for preventing me from falling. I knew I would loose balance, so that way I can prevent any potential bruising.

After a number of attempts down the hill, I realized I was coasting without falling. Secondly, I sat on the seat to see if I can repeat the same feat without falling. I was exited because I could see the progress... that I am actually balancing and not falling. Third, I incorporated pedaling into my training, which was a bit awkward at first, but over time, I gradually got better at it.

So once I got a feel of what it was, then I continued practicing until I could compete with my friends. And that was how I learnt how to ride a bike.


  1. Thank you for the detailed progress of how you learned to ride a BMX bicycle :-)

    Your methodical approach and follow through will contribute to your learning of digital literacy skills from IS101-3010, Spring 2022 ^_^

  2. Oh, I got so many injury stories from riding bikes as a kid, good times lol

  3. Growing up, we all had scabs from doing this!

  4. I fell in a cactus when I was younger riding bikes with friends. How fun

  5. Good job on learning how to ride a bike! So proud!

  6. When I was learning how to ride a bike, I remember I crashed into a man and I was so embarassed even though I was still little. I didn't know that brakes could be used. Although, I did enjoy riding scooters a lot back then.

  7. Yep, I fell a couple times learning how to ride a bike also. It's so much fun once you finally get it right.

  8. Riding a bike is still fun as an adult, it just sucks doing that here in Las Vegas with the crazy drivers and the heat.

  9. I haven't ridden a bike in years. Brings back a lot of good memories.

  10. Those are good old days. Being outside riding your bikes with your neighborhood friends. It seems kids these days are not much to going outside and riding bikes.

  11. Loved those days! My favorite thing was to ride to nearby neighborhoods to meet with even more kids from school.

  12. I really want to learn how to "properly" ride a bike so that I could eventually own my own motorcycle, but everyone keeps telling me what a bad idea that is for how dangerous they can be. But I think I might just do it anyway.

  13. I also had a hard time learning how to ride a bike I remember needing training wheels and was terrified of taking them off. Eventually I did learn how to ride a bike but only after falling down a few times.

  14. Have not been on a bike for years! But, I used to love going on my bike in middle school and hang out with my friends.
