Saturday, April 2, 2022

The Price of Water

We all live here in the beautiful city of Las Vegas, and I am pretty sure some privileges go unnoticed, but does anyone realize or have any idea how expensive water really is here in the Valley? First point I want to make is that ninety-five percent of our water is recycled water. The City puts a lot of chemicals in the water to deem it legally drinkable. If anyone drinks tap water, what that simply means is that we are consuming loads of chemicals, which could ultimately leads to complications. Unfortunately, we may not drink it directly from the tap, but most of us cook with it and so forth.

Recently I installed a new soft-water system in my house and is cost me $3,000.00. It was also recommended to me that I should replace my hot water tank because it is outdated. I inquire about my options on replacing it and it can cost anywhere between $500 to $11,000.00, depending on the system you want to install. The point I am making is that, water is extremely expensive. One way or the other, it costs, so if anyone is considering buying a house, please take that into consideration.


  1. Yes, water is expensive. I'm curious what you ended going with as your new solution. Please keep us updated :-)

  2. Water is only going to get more expensive as time goes on.

    Las Vegas, on the whole, does a good job when it comes to issues of water management, but I honestly don't know what they're going to do moving forward...I don't know how you manage water when there isn't any.

  3. Invest in water. I've slowly been investing in water over the past 2 years. Fresh water resources are drying up faster than you think.

  4. Your home warranty will cover hot water heaters

  5. This is something I am not prepared for in adulthood.

  6. Water is very expensive, everything is now a days.

  7. I don't know if it makes me any kind of pretentious or spoiled, but I would never drink tap water if I can help it. My family has a water filtering system or spare water bottles around.

  8. I mean, we live in a desert so of course water is going to be expensive.

  9. That's one of the disadvantages of living in the desert, you have to invest in a water filtration system in your home, it sucks but have to do what you have to do.

  10. I like this topic a lot. I definitely think the area necessitates us local citizens to spend more on water systems. I think it depends on personal standards as the $3k you described would be a lot to come out for a water system. For drinking water, I use a large, in-fridge filter machine which was about $50. It's hard to leverage cost and, like you said, trying to drink, shower in, etc. clean and filtered water.

  11. I kind of have to agree with Vincent on this one. We have 3 5gal water jugs that we fill once every few weeks and its like $1.50 to fill each. We also have water bottles just in case we want some. But we have not installed a water purifier, nor have I drank tap water. I think we will stick with our jugs haha

  12. Yeah tap water is no good for consumption or cooking. I just buy water from a water dispensary, I fill up 4, 5 gallon jugs and it last me the whole month.
