Friday, January 21, 2022

Baby step into a new journey

Like a baby learning how to take their first step, that is how I feel about learning how to navigate through Microsoft Office. I am anxious, excited, and afraid of this new task. Afraid, because of fear of not doing well. Babies are afraid to walk because of fear of falling. Excited, because I am learning something new. Anxious, because my emotions are bursting through my veins. Nonetheless, I am optimistic and I know I will do well. The tools and resources are at my disposal for me to be successful and I intend to take full advantage of them. So I am going to enjoy this journey moving forward.


  1. Very articulate and courageous in sharing your feelings of anxious, excited, and afraid of your journey to elevate your digital literacy, Kurt :-)

    I will do my very best to help assuage the fear of failing. It's is okay to fail, especially in the classroom instead of in the workforce, as long as you learn and improve from it!

    Welcome to IS101-3010, Spring 2022, I am elated to have you in the class ^_^

  2. We got this, teamwork makes the dream work!

  3. Anxiety can be a tough to manage, I can totally relate. I'm sure you feel that way because we are just at the beginning of the semester and all this information is somewhat new to us but hopefully you'll get more comfortable as we continue the semester. You'll do great, don't psych yourself out!

  4. I like the metaphor you used to describe your own emotions for learning how to navigate through Microsoft Office. That is very creative and it resembled your own thoughts very nicely.

  5. It seems that many of us are having some of the same emotions for this class starting off. We have all the help we need with Mr. Wu at our disposal.

  6. I felt the same way in the beginning. Be strong we got this

  7. College in general is baby steps, but you are doing a great job! Keep up the great work!

  8. I've always been of the opinion that having access to every perspective is extremely valuable and that doesn't stop when it comes to the topic of feelings and emotions. Its really easy to become blinded or swayed by emotions, but its important to experience them all in order to make sure you're making the right decisions. Fear and anxiety are important in their own right and its all about managing them to propel yourself forward!

  9. The fear of failure is something everybody has to encounter at some point. Honestly, it's probably one of, if not the greatest, inhibitor of progress humans collectively have to deal with. I've definitely dealt with my share of it.

  10. Sometimes you just have to jump into it, whether that is a new job or something new, you will just adapt and overcome.

  11. Best wishes for your journey in moving forward. Hard work and determination are a great way to start. You have already taken the first steps keep it up.

  12. Learning something new and starting a new journey can make anyone feel anxious and nervous. Keep going in the end just like a baby you will be walking in no time.


  13. Nothing to feel anxious over. The great thing about the tools we have provided through these processing systems is they are designed to aid us. Once familiarized with how the application functions, you will be navigating through Word like a pro Kurt!

  14. I know exactly how that feels and the best part is when you finally learn how to do things and they turn out to be so easy that it becomes second nature like riding a bike or learning to skate. It hurts when you fall, but you learn how to not fall the same way more than once.

  15. That is a interesting analogy I actually think babies tend to learn faster than adults because they aren't afraid or ashamed to make mistakes the way adults are. Children are really good at learning languages for example because they don't understand what the "correct" way to speak is yet. I think letting ourselves learn and enjoy learning is the best way to go about it as adults.

  16. Children often need reassurance to know that what they are doing is right, and i just wanted to say that you got this!
