Saturday, January 29, 2022

Hurricane Gilbert

I was twelve years old when I experience my first hurricane. The media gave us hourly updates about the storm, Hurricane Gilbert, and tells us how to prepare for it. Most people took it for granted and did not pay attention to what the news was broadcasting. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was about to experience my first real natural disaster. The storm came and a lot of people in my community and the entire country lives was changed forever.

I remember looking through the back window in my kitchen and seeing giant trees breaking in half like toothpicks. Trees tumbling over, houses with roof flying in the wind, and people crying for help. It was devastating. I will never forget.

Fortunately, me and my entire household was okay. We weren't affected like most people were, but the sight of the damages the storm left behind is something to remember.

Friday, January 21, 2022

Baby step into a new journey

Like a baby learning how to take their first step, that is how I feel about learning how to navigate through Microsoft Office. I am anxious, excited, and afraid of this new task. Afraid, because of fear of not doing well. Babies are afraid to walk because of fear of falling. Excited, because I am learning something new. Anxious, because my emotions are bursting through my veins. Nonetheless, I am optimistic and I know I will do well. The tools and resources are at my disposal for me to be successful and I intend to take full advantage of them. So I am going to enjoy this journey moving forward.