Saturday, April 30, 2022

A Big Deal

Elon Musk recently purchased Twitter for $44 billion dollars. In a two week span, Elon Musk went from an outsider, of a "poison pill," according to to the social media company, to the new owner. I wonder why he purchased it, and why did Twitter sold the company  in the first place? Does anyone thinks that Mr. Musk is an advocate for free speech, or he just simply wants his own platform to market his business? It will be interesting to hear what you guys think.


  1. I wonder what changed Twitter's board of directors' minds about selling to Elon Musk... Don't know enough to guess Mr. Musk's reason for buying Twitter. At the time of this blog post, the acquisition is pending approval from regulators and shareholders. Let's see what happens :-)

  2. The only form of free speech Elon Musk has ever been interested in is his own.

    This acquisition, like virtually everything else he's done, is about him, personally, and little else.

    He's only in favor of free speech when someone isn't freely speaking negatively about him or one of his enterprises.

  3. I'm not sure why he bought Twitter, but I don't think he will use it to market his own business. Tesla cars are already heavily known and admired by many people, so there isn't a need for marketing in his cars. Maybe his WiFi company, but still, I don't think Elon Musk has a need for marketing since many people already know what he does.

  4. I think he honestly did it for the attention and to be sure he can't be banned for anything he posts. I don't think he truly cares about free speech. Plus Twitter isn't a bad investment, seeing as how it controls most of the population.

  5. No clue why he chose to buy Twitter, maybe for the extra clout.

  6. Oh it's all business. Twitter is a big platform that probably half the population uses. It's great for business and if he can control most of it, he'll be great.

  7. I don't think Twitter was too fond of the idea, but Musk had already bought like $2.6 billion (9.1%) in stock and was basically threatening to back out as a shareholder if they said no.

  8. Yeah I wonder what the reasoning is behind this purchase.

  9. I'm pretty indifferent about Elon. Like I think he's detestable but he's a genius and is making some strides for the betterment of humanity and its hard to upheave the rest of his entirety like that.

  10. I think he just did that to gain more attention and simply because he can. I mean if I was in the financial position to buy Twitter, I totally would.

  11. I don't know why he bought twitter but I'm sure we will soon find out.
